I can finally spill the beans and invite you to the Elves’ Workshop Summit. Yes … I know I’ve done a few summits this year, but I promise you that I’ve been choosey about the invitations I accept. This one is all about getting ready for Christmas, including sending Christmas cards on time … which is very on brand for me!
I’m one of 25 teachers who are sharing some fun workshops, and while not all presentations are craft related, they are all about Christmas. Here are five ways you can get the most out of this three day Christmas summit.
1. Grab a FREE ticket
You can’t get anything out of this event if you don’t have a ticket!
2. Set Goals
It’s always a good idea to set some card making goals, so you can prioritise which videos you want to watch? Want to learn from your favourite teachers first? Make note of which day their workshops are. Want to get your Christmas cards sorted from plan to post? Check out my workshop on Day 1! You can see the entire summit schedule HERE.
3. Get Organised
Check your calendar and the times that each event is running, and block out some time to watch the videos that speak to you most. If you’re in Australia, I have created an Australian Time Zone converter PDF for you. Click the pic below to download your copy or CLICK HERE.
4. Grab Bonuses
Every speaker has a bonus for everyone who registers for a free ticket, so make sure you grab them all. It’s also a good idea to create a folder for them, so you can find them later.
5. Upgrade
There are some great reasons to upgrade. For example, if you don’t have time to watch the videos during the 24 hour window they’re available each day, the VIP Pass gives you immediate and ongoing access. There are also a bunch of additional bonuses for paid upgrade peeps. The bonus I have on offer for VIP Pass folks is an entire brand new course called Wax Seal School.
The best price you will get on the VIP Pass is when you purchase it immediately after picking up your free ticket. You can get it later, but the price will go up, but only once, because Cristine is cool like that.
If you have questions, please feel free to ask them, and I hope you enjoy all the amazing classes that are on offer.