Podcast Episode 6 – Top 10 Tips for Finding Lost Crafting Mojo

Podcast episode 6 Finding Your Lost Craft Mojo

Welcome to The Craft Room. Today we’re going to explore, not only my top 10 ways to find your lost mojo, but also some reasons why it might have gone MIA in the first place. Understanding why your creativity has taken a dip will help you figure out which of these tips might help you find it again.

1. Walk away – Sometimes you need to take a break, distract your brain, by walking away from your project to make a cuppa, sleep on it or take a couple of days off.  Coming back to it with fresh eyes can help.
2. Tidy up your workspace – If a clean space is irresistible, then a good tidy up can help.  A deeper clean is like a treasure hunt and you can find some forgotten supplies that may spark ideas.
3. Visit a craft show or specialty craft store – You may find inspiration, new supplies but best of all, be able to chat to other crafters.
4. Pinterest or YouTube – Do a search for the product that has you stumped, and see how others are using it as a starting point.
5. Join a Challenge – Lots of companies, design teams, bloggers, vloggers and Instagrammers run fun challenges that can help you try something new.
6. Hang with a Crafty Friend – Whether you craft or not, hanging with another creative person can be really helpful.
7. Take A Class – It doesn’t matter if it’s online, in store or at a friends house, a class can get you making without the creative strain of coming up with the project.
8. Library – Your local library will have books and magazines that you might never have seen before, which is a great combo of #1 AND it’s free!
9. Try a Kit – Again, this is the joy of making without the burden of coming up with a design from scratch.
10. Just Start –  Taking action, just getting hands on and working with your materials, even if you’re not sure where this is going, can spark ideas or reignite you passion for your craft. Action = movement = building momentum.

There are different reasons why your mojo may be MIA, and understanding what has dulled your creative spark can be helpful in figuring out how to get it back.  Being overwhelmed isn’t quite specific enough … what’s the reason for the overwhelm?
* Excited overwhelm
* Too much stuff overwhelm
* Too many options overwhelm
* Decision fatigue
* Life stuff
* Mental health

And then we have to ask ourselves, what even qualifies as lost mojo?
* Lack of motivation?
* Overwhelm?
* Fatigue?
* Difficulty making decisions?
* Lost passion?

Links I mentioned in todays podcast

Matt Lin (Instagram)
Crystal Lee Arts (Instagram)
Fangirl Stitches
Pixel Power Design
Clouds Factory

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