
Are you interested in joining a swap?  There are a few things you should know.

The Embossing swap now closed for sign-ups.
Due date: 7 June 2024

Swaps are only available to Australian residents.  Sorry international peeps, but international post is expensive, and sorting out return post is complicated … unfortunately I don’t have as much time to do this as I used to, so Australian only.

Swaps currently run 5 times per year, and you can see the full 2024 swap schedule HERE.

The fastest way to find out new swap info is to join my mailing list, which you can do HERE.  Swaps are also announced on Facebook HERE.

If you need to drop out of a swap for any reason, just drop me an email and let me know.  It’s not a problem, but knowing helps me to wrap things up in a timely manner.

Quality … pretty please make sure your cutting lines are clean (no fuzz) and straight, and only send swap items that you would be excited to receive.  There is a big difference between cheap & cheerful, and cheap & nasty … let’s go for cheerful 🙂

CARD FRONT SWAP – make 8 identical card front panels, receive 8 different panels in return.
I used to host card swaps, but when postage stamps went up to $1 each, it became too expensive to continue with them due to the weight and bulk of sending 8 cards with envelopes.  A Card Front swap is a little different, in that you will create an A6 panel that can be adhered to the front of a card base, and we will swap the decorated panels only.  By not sending card bases and envelopes, this cuts down on the bulk, and therefore postage costs, significantly.  The size and theme may switch up from swap to swap, so keep an eye on the swap announcement and be sure to download the printable checklist.

Pack & post – there is a video about that HERE.

Want a printable to keep track of your swaps?  Download one to print HERE, which has 6 of these per page.

Printable Swap diary page 4x4 reduced

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at enquiries@dawnlewis.com.au

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