Fun Fandom Altered Board Game

Dawn Lewis shows you how to make a unique gift for the super fan in your life, on a budget in this video tutorial.

A while back I came across an altered Guess Who board game, with family photos in place of the characters that come with the game, and remember thinking how fun it would be to alter the game using characters from my favourite shows. Skip forward to me being slightly broke but needing gifts for some amazing friends … and luckily as I wandered the aisles of KMart I came across this awesome budget version of the game, and the idea came back to me! So, my friends received fandom Guess Who games for their birthdays, and they loved them *phew*.

Fandom Board Game Hack Card reduced

It did occur to me to record most of the process as I was almost finished assembling the last game, so here’s a bit of a run-down on how I made the game. It cost me $4 for the game, $2 for the tape, and less than $1 to print the photos. That certainly ticks the budget box! I do not advocate making these sets for sale. These photos don’t belong to you to make a profit from, and I declare it loudly that these photos and this original idea does NOT belong to me! This is just a project for FUN!  The first set I altered featured The Walking Dead, and Doctor Who (which makes the game … Guess Doctor Who!!!) … yes … I made 2 full sets of cards so she could play either when the mood strikes 😀

Screenshot 2016-07-26 14.03.26

I used Photoshop to create the replacement card covers, which took a little while, but the most time consuming part is trimming down all of the images.  I recommend a paper trimmer or knife/blade/mat rather than scissors (because it’s ridiculously difficult to get a perfectly straight line with scissors!).  I’m not going to keep you in suspense any longer … here’s the video, complete with my current crazy croaky voice!

Signature for blog


  1. Tara

    I love this idea. Any chance you can share the supernatural images page that you created? I’d love to make this for my daughter as a gift. She is a huge SN fan.
    Thanks so much!

    1. Dawn Lewis (Post author)

      Thanks Tara! The template will be different depending which version of the game you’re using. I’m not sure if I still have the file, but I can have a look 🙂 Dawn


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